Cassie is always very gentle with her best buddy Zorro because of the size difference.
She is good about sharing her toys too, except for one that she thinks of as hers and hers alone, her Blue bone. It's her favorite toy, a rubber Blue bone that I fill with treats to keep her busy.
Since the weather was nice today, Cassie spent alot of the day outside. Since there are alot of large birds of prey and other large animals that could hurt Zorro he can't be outside alone like Cassie can. He spent the day inside happily following his furmom around the house, until he found the Blue bone! I thought it was empty until I heard his little nort nort sounds that he makes, he was trying to get his little nose in the hole to get to the Milkbones inside! When Cassie came in I heard Zorro snarl and bark at her, he had the Blue bone by him and wasn't going to let it go. Cassie growled back at him, picked it up and ran through the house with it in her mouth like she won a trophy!
Since there was a fight "furmom" had to step in and take the Blue bone away for awhile. I will give it back to Cassie later on, she's laying down beside me pouting right now. I know she will be happy to get it back, Zorro will have to watch it! I tried giving him a rubber Kong but he won't touch it. Maybe because he always likes big dog toys and this Kong is his own size.
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